Dain Torpy had lunch with Peter Vanderwarker, a known contemporary and urban photographer, world traveler, and the artist in the book ‘A History of Boston’ by Daniel P. Dain. Learn more about the book, and Peter’s art through the link below.
Dain Torpy Senior Associates Network
Natasha Winter, Nicholas Dorf, and Robert Greene attended the Senior Associates Forum hosted by the BBA. Here, these attorneys networked with colleagues all looking to achieve the same mission. Together they help grow and shape the legal field.
Parker participates in BHN’s Gala
Michael Parker participated in the Boston Harbor Now‘s gala, dedicated to honoring our coastal neighborhood and the cherished Harbor. This occasion contributes to the backing of BHN’s ongoing advocacy to have an approachable and diverse waterfront, while also supporting the enhancement of climate resiliency measures to safeguard our communities against the effects of climate change.
“A History of Boston” Video Interview
Daniel Dain speaks about his book in the REBA video interview called “A History of Boston: Land Use & Zoning Considerations”
Dain Attorneys Attend REBA Event
Ryan Douglas Grondahl, who serves as the Co-Chair of Boston’s REBA New Lawyer Section, Robert-Ian Greene and Kim Khuu Dooley, joined an event organized by REBA. The purpose of their attendance was to engage in networking and connect with other lawyers in Boston.